April 2013 | b-panel to support Greenship assessment for your project by the Green Building Council Indonesia

Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) is a non-profit organization, which mission is to promote environmentally-friendly buildings in Indonesia. This organization, headed by Madam Naning Adiwoso, has been actively educating Indonesiaā€™s developers and architects, to better understand and apply design elements, material choice, and construction process, which minimize the environmental impact during the projectā€™s construction as well as throughout its operations, and to attain the most efficient use of energy.

Photo Madam Naning Adiwoso and staffs of PT. Beton Elemenindo Putra in front of b-panelĀ® booth at Greenright Expo 2013, JCC Senayan Jakarta.

Starting from April 23, 2013, according to DKI Jakarta Governor decree No. 38/2012 on green buildings, all projects of certain sizes located in Jakarta has to be assessed with Greenship scoring system. Example of buildings that fall into this category:

  • Office buildings, shopping malls, apartements > 50.000 m2
  • Hotels, hospitals > 20.000 m2
  • Education facilities/schools > 10.000 m2

GBCIā€™s Greenshhip assessment system has actually been introduced in 2012,and now is formally made into a formal requirement. The higher the score, the higher the rating bestowed upon the project.

Ratings for GREENSHIP (Version 1.1) Final Assesment (FA) stage:
Design Recognition (DR) stage:
Platinum Minimum percentage 73% 56 points Minimum percentage 73% 74 points
Gold Minimum percentage 57% 33 points Minimum percentage 57% 58 points
Silver Minimum percentage 46% 35 points Minimum percentage 46% 47 points
Bronze Minimum percentage 35% 27 points Minimum percentage 35% 35 points

The higher the rating, the more incentive that the government can offer, ranging from land and building tax (PBB) as well as streamlining of building permit application. On top of this, the building can be marketed more attractively, and it is the future trend that environmentally-friendly and energy efficient buildings are becoming more desirable. Market awareness of environmental issues has become more acute, and the cost of fuel and electricity is going up.

ā€œSince regulation is in effect starting 23 April [2013], building permits are only given after a proposed project fulfill the criteria of green buildingā€

ā€“ Mr. I Putu Ngurah Indiana (head of Jakartaā€˜s building monitoring and enforcement) at International Finance Corporation (IFC), green building seminar, 12 April 2013 -

Greenship certification billboard of a project at Mega Kuningan area, Jakarta

Greenlisting Indonesia Volume 2, published by Green Building Council Indonesia this April, list a slew of environmentally-responsible building materials. The use of these products contribute to ensuring a project qualifies as green building. For details on Greenship criteria, please download here: http://www.gbcindonesia.org/

Greenlisting Vol.2

The use of b-panelĀ®, holistically combined with other planned elements and building materials, such as thermally insulated windows and door seals, solar water heating, and systematic waste water treatment system, will ensure a commendable Greenship rating. The following are some of the criteria and details on how b-panelĀ® fulfills these criteria:

  1. EEC 1/EEC P2: Energy-Efficiency MeasuresThe use of b-panelĀ® will reduce the thermal leak and air-conditioning load, and therefore improve the Overall Thremal Transfer Value (OTTV) of the building. On the opposite, the use of conventional concrete roof deck and brick walls are gross disregard for energy efficiency and thermal comfort, because beside the heat intrusion to the building interior, the wall and roof deck which are exposed to the solar heat act as thermal capacitor/heat reservoir, which keep warming up the rooms well into the evening. Rating potential: Max. 5-20 points
  2. MRC 2: Environment Friendly MaterialsGREENSHIP assessment: The use of recycled material equal to at least 5% of the project value. Details: b-foamĀ® EPS utilized for b-panelĀ® has at least 15% recycled content from processing waste of previous projects. Rating potential: 3 points
  3. MRC 5: Prefab MaterialGREENSHIP assessment: Design utilizing modular or prefabricated material (Not including equipment) of at least 30% of total material cost.
    Details: The use of b-panelĀ® enables total prefabrication method and thus significantly reducing project waste
    Rating potential: 3 points
  4. IHC 6: Thermal ComfortGREENSHIP assessment: Design of stable room temperature of 25C and 60% relative humidity Details: Thermal insulation layer of b-panelĀ® help reduce heat intrusion to the interior of building, while the low moisture absorption of b-foamĀ® EPS ensures stable humidity level of the building Rating potential: 1 point
  5. IHC 7: Acoustic LevelGREENSHIP assessment: Noise level of 90% of nett lettable area (NLA) not exceeding SNI 03-6386-2000 recommendation on noise level and vibration level for building and dwelling. Details: ā€œMass and damperā€ sandwich construction of b-panelĀ® offers lower sound intrusion while keeping the wall weight in check. Rating potential: 1 point
  6. MRC 6: Regional MaterialGREENSHIP assessment:
    1. The use of products which raw materials and production facility is within 1.000 km from project site, for at least 50% of total material costs.
    2. Utilizing products that are made within Indonesian territory for at least 80% of total material costs.

    Details: all raw materials for b-panelĀ® manufacturing are sourced within Indonesian territory*, and within 1000 km from the factory
    Rating potential: 2 points
    (*Exception is imported carbon-graphite EPS used in b-panelĀ® Neo)

From the above factors, the application of b-panelĀ® can significantly add to Greenship assessment points, to provide the highest Greenship score to projects that utilize it.

ā€œGreen building is expensive? While the initial investment can be 2% higher, but if properly designed, a 20% savings can be realized throughout its constructionā€

ā€“ Mr. Setyo (head of Real Estate Association Indonesia (REI), Jakarta chapter) @ Green Property Awards 2012 at Hotel Santika, Jakarta ā€“

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