b-panel® MIX
More efficient b-panel® wall construction and better quality control. 50 kg packs consist of Portland cement, quality sand, and fiber additive
- Convenient: just add water and mix
- Economical: prevent purchasing too much of mix material (standardized dosage and spread capacity)
- Safeguard quality of installation: plaster material composition is precisely packed according to b-panel® ‘s standard operating procedure. 5 years warranty againts shrinkage cracks
- Better project cost control: since the plaster mix has been prepacked, material cost can be monitored more readily.
Available types:
- M-225 for structural plastering and partition wall plastering (b-panel®, b-panel Neo®, b-coustic+®, b-lite®)
- B-300 for casting minor columns and floor joists (b-deck®)